Time to Shine: Part 2

(no audio was recorded this week)

PASTOR MARK MIKELS – October 19, 2008

“TIME TO SHINE” – Part Two

(Seeing Opportunities In The Midst of

Intro … “Time To Shine” – that’s the title of this little series of
messages we began last week. It’s a dark world out there – our papers
are filled with doom and gloom. Calamity seems about to overtake us.

My friends … this is a time for the Church of Jesus Christ to shine –
to penetrate the darkness with the amazing truths of God’s Word –
truths that are uniquely designed for times just like these.

In fact, as we observed last week …

“Certain Truths of the Christian Faith can be best demonstrated

during difficult (even calamitous) times.”

We observed as well that …

“God wants His Truth to be demonstrated for truth that is
undemonstrated is really truth that is undocumented – it carries no
credibility in the

eyes of a watching world.”

Last week we considered Demonstration Truth #1 … (text available)

“We are but strangers and pilgrims in this world.”

(1 Peter 1:17; 1 Peter 2:11; Philippians 3:20)

We are possessors of an incredible Heavenly Hope and that Heavenly Hope
can provide amazing Stability and Security in times of calamity.

Today I would have us consider …



(John 14:27)

The announcement of this peace was made by Jesus Himself as he and the
disciples were heading into a most calamitous time – He was in fact
preparing them for things that they could not even imagine.

He had just told them that one of them would betray him and that Peter
would deny him and that the leaders of the people would put him to
death … He had quoted the scripture that said the shepherd would be
struck and the sheep would be scattered. Their minds were reeling.

And in the midst of that rush of bad news and horrible images he says
to them …

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

(John 14:27)

What a gift for a calamitous time … “Peace” … a calmness of heart

mind … What an attention drawing reality – peacefulness in the midst
of chaos and panic!

Who wouldn’t want to feel peace in the midst of mental and emotional
pressure? And who can deny that such a peacefulness would be noticed
and sought?

In fact, the demonstration of peace in the midst of societal turmoil
becomes a powerful testimony in and of itself.

But notice, I’m calling this supernatural peace – this is not the
result of us just “getting a grip” or consciously “calming down”. This
is not the result of us just “talking ourselves into a better

This peace is something supernatural – something that cannot be
explained without Christ in the equation.

In fact, there are two things in this passage itself that justify this
supernatural designation …

* This Peace Is Supernatural Because Of Its SOURCE

“MY peace I give you”

The peace that Jesus was promising them was actually second-hand peace
– it was peace that he had already tried out and found workable.

Can you think of any time in the Gospel accounts where Jesus became
rattled or panicky? Quite the contrary, Jesus possessed a settledness
of mind and heart that regularly astounded those around him.

He had come to do the Father’s Will and he understood the Father’s Plan
and he relied completely upon the Father’s Care. He lived at peace and
in peace regardless of the circumstance.

It was this very peace – His Peace – that he was offering to them.

And he didn’t have to remain with them for His Peace to remain … in
this very same passage he explained to them that he would send the Holy
Spirit to them after he was gone. The Holy Spirit would nourish and
maintain everything that Jesus had done and said.

And so the Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Galatians …

“Now the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace … (Gal. 5:22)

This peace is supernatural because of its SOURCE – Jesus Christ

But also consider with me that …

* This Peace Is Supernatural Because Of Its SUBSTANCE

“Not as the WORLD gives”

The peace that Jesus gives is not “of this world” though it is to be
experienced in this world – it goes beyond the parameters of the peace
that unbelievers can experience – it is substantially different.

Here are a few contrasts that my feeble mind came up with –

See what you think …

1. Worldly Peace requires the CESSATION of CONFLICT/TURMOIL.

while Supernatural Peace can be EXPERIENCED in the MIDST of

Conflict and Turmoil.

Worldly peace is pretty much by definition – the absence of conflict or
turmoil … it’s not so much defined as the presence of something good
as it is the absence of something bad.

The unbeliever says things like …

“I’ll feel so much better when all of this is over.”

Supernatural peace is something good in and of itself (a calmness of
heart and mind) that can be experienced whether or not conflict and
turmoil are present.

The believer is Christ can honestly say …

“I feel okay right now – my heart is at rest.”

Here’s a second thing …

2. Worldly Peace results from NEGOTIATION/RESOLUTION

while Supernatural Peace is not dependent upon any DEAL

being made, or any SOLUTION being worked out.

What we are really saying here is that during times of conflict and
turmoil, people of the world are always “waiting for peace” – “Hoping
that the `powers that be’ get things worked out so we can relax and be
at peace again”.

It’s understood that peace is usually the result of either some kind of
`give and take’ that proves acceptable to both parties or some
`solution’ that solves the problem that caused the turmoil.

Supernatural peace has no “waiting period” … it’s not dependent upon
some deal being struck or some solution being figured out – it just is.

It’s a condition of heart and mind that is not dependant upon any
earthly circumstance – It’s a given that has been given!

Now here’s a third thing … a third contrast between worldly peace and
the supernatural peace that Jesus gives …

3. Worldly Peace is SHAKY at best – it remains in place until something
CHANGES – while Supernatural Peace remains for all ETERNITY.

You could almost say that worldly peace is simply a condition that
bears the “appearance of peace” … It’s not real peace at all.

It’s only an interlude between times of conflict or turmoil.

In the early 1900’s the world fought the “War To End All Wars” … the
“Peace” it produced lasted less than 30 years.

Peace based upon carefully worked out and most likely grudgingly given
concessions only lasts as long as the parties involved continue to
agree and they continue to agree only as long as they believe that it
is in their best interests to do so.

Our entire American political system is based upon a convergence of
competing ideologies …

Resolutions to critical problems frequently remain in place only as
long as the `party in power’ remains in power.

When government changes – policies change and frequently old
`solutions’ are discarded and possibly new `turmoils’ arise.

How different is this supernatural peace that Jesus gives!

It lasts from beginning to end … it can never be taken away (though

we might forget we have it).

Since the Giver himself will never `leave office’, his policies will
never be overturned by a successor.

How significant that Jesus said … “Peace, I leave with you”. It’s

it’s available; it’s ours as long as we and He exist.

And now for the part of this message that is most meaningful to

our situation today …


What difference does it make in our daily lives?

* It Allows Us To Stay COOL, CALM And COLLECTED –

Philippians 4:6-7

Here’s how the Apostle Paul expressed it …

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the
peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Better than the security detail surrounding the President is “Our
Supernatural Peace” standing guard at our heart’s door.

Anxiety turned away … Fearfulness denied entrance …

Feelings of Panic handcuffed and taken captive.

When people say …

“Aren’t you worried about this or that situation?”

We can say …

“Well, I’m working on it but I’m certainly not worried;

I’m fully protected from worry.”

See if that answer doesn’t stimulate a few questions!

Here’s another value/benefit of having supernatural peace … It’s a
value discovered by King David of Old during a time of great upheaval
in the land.

* It Allows Us To LIE DOWN And Really REST –

Psalm 3:5-6; 4:7-8

“I lie down and sleep; I awake again because the Lord sustains me.

I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every

“You have filled my heart with greater joy than when …

grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace,

for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

In contrast, the prophet Isaiah observed long ago (Isaiah 55:21) that

“There is no peace (no rest) for the wicked” (for the unbeliever)
especially during calamitous times.

And now one last value provided by the presence of supernatural peace
in our lives – also from an ancient psalm of David …

* It Allows Us To ZERO In On Things That Really MATTER –

(Psalm 37)

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong;

Trust in the LORD and do good (3); Delight yourself in the LORD (4);

Commit your way to the LORD (5); Be Still before the LORD … (7)

Only someone at peace can do these things and these are the things that
bring blessing into our lives:

Trust/Do Good/Delight/Commit and Be Still.

Final Thot …

The WAR (inner turmoil) is OVER – Peace has already COME

